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The transport and haulage industry is a difficult area to operate in, particularly when it comes to maintaining healthy levels of working capital and cash-flow. The operational costs associated with running a transport business tend to be high, and this can be made worse when you factor in the uncertain and often rising cost of fuel.

These challenges, combined with the cost of driver training, congestion charges, insurance and vehicle maintenance can cause businesses to suffer.

There are also problems associated with customer payments. Payment terms in the industry tend to be lengthy, with 30-90 days as standard.

This is where transport finance comes in: specific invoice factoring to offset the cash flow delays of waiting for payment. 

Funding Options

What is Transport Finance

Transport finance is a specialist invoice finance service for the transport industry in which a company can use unpaid invoices as collateral for a short term loan. The factor will lend you up to 80% of the invoice within 48 hours, with the balance paid when the invoice is settled.

For transport firms who don’t wish to use their vehicles as collaterial, transport finance offers a convenient and effective solution.

Transport finance can revolutionise your cash-flow cycle so that you can concentrate on the running of your business.

Benefits of Transport Finance

  • Access to Quick Cashflow – often within 48 hours
  • Doesn’t rely on good credit since the factor assesses your clients not yourself
  • Outsourcing your sales ledger can free up crucial administrative time
  • Credit Checking customers may facilitate better strategic decisions

Haulage, Courier & Transport Logistics Finance

Transport finance gives businesses in the sector a way to release the cash that’s tied up in haulage and freight transactions. Once a delivery is made, a business will issue an invoice that they’ll typically have to wait for 30, 60 or even 90 days to be paid. However, as they have already paid for the fuel and the driver for the journey, this can cause a potentially dangerous cash-flow shortfall.

By releasing the capital tied up in the invoice, transport businesses will have the money they need to pay for the day-to-day running of the business and to fund growth during this time. Businesses can choose to effectively ‘sell’ one or all of their invoices to a finance provider. In return, they receive up to 90 percent of the value of the invoice upfront within as little as 24 hours.

Let us Help Secure Invoice Finance for Your Transportation Business

At Business Expert, you can compare the UK’s invoice finance providers to find the best deal for your transport firm.  

SImply fill in the simple form above and an FCA regulated broker will be in touch. You can get a range of quotes, ask questions and consider your options, all without any obligation. NB, we do not charge an additional brokers fee but are paid a small commission by the lenders.

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